Sindh Human Rights Commission ~ Government of Sindh
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Chairperson (SHRC) delivering a lecture on issues and the welfare of marginalized communities in Pakistan at the National Institute of Management, Karachi.

Chairperson (SHRC) delivering a lecture on issues and the welfare of marginalized communities in Pakistan at the National Institute of Management, Karachi.

Chairperson of the Sindh Human Rights Commission, Mr. Iqbal Ahmed Detho, as a subject matter expert, delivering a lecture on issues and the welfare of marginalized communities in Pakistan at the National Institute of Management, Karachi. NIM hosted this session as part of its 35th Senior Management Course (SMC). 38 Senior officers in the promotion zone of BS-19 to BS -20 from the Federal and Provincial Governments and agencies attended the course, which focuses on public policy formulation and implementation at the strategic level of the subject.

The lecture covered a wide range of topics, including an overview of marginalized communities (Minorities, Transgender, Persons with Different abilities) the legal and institutional framework, at National and International challenges of inclusion and mainstreaming, and issues such as forced marriage, gender harassment, and abduction. Participants gave insights into the Constitutional and Legal Framework, as well as the Institutional Mechanism established for the protection and promotion of human rights in Pakistan. The lecture provided a comprehensive overview of these critical issues.
