Sindh Human Rights Commission ~ Government of Sindh
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An Inspiring Discussion on Policy and Legislation: A Policy Roundtable Discussion

An Inspiring Discussion on Policy and Legislation: A Policy Roundtable Discussion

Inspiring Discussion on Policy and Legislation!

Did you know that while the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act was enacted in Sindh in 2013, the first FIR for domestic violence was only logged in 2020? This highlights the need for increased awareness among communities about this crucial Act.

During an enlightening session, Iqbal Ahmed Detho, Chairperson of Sindh Human Rights Commission, and Ali Khursheedi, Opposition Leader Sindh Assembly, for a policy roundtable discussion. They delved into important topics including the Domestic Violence Act 2013, Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Act, and the policy-making & legislation process.

Our young minds were enriched with insights on the significance of policy and legislation in creating a safer and more just society. Let's continue to raise awareness and work together towards a brighter future for all!
