Sindh Human Rights Commission ~ Government of Sindh
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Parliament and Constitution: The Only Guarantee of Democracy

Parliament and Constitution: The Only Guarantee of Democracy

Parliament and Constitution: The Only Guarantee of Democracy

Parliament and the Constitution are the only institutions that guarantee democracy. They are the pillars on which our democracy rests. Without them, we would have no way to hold our leaders accountable or to ensure that our rights are protected.

In a capacity building session with the Sindh Human Rights Commission team, Parliamentary Expert Mr. Zafarullah Khan shared the history of the making of the Constitution and the hurdles that were faced. He also shared facts on the times, situation, political differences of the political and non-political forces, and the background story of Field Marshal Ayub Khan's constitutional abrogation's. He also spoke about the progress of democracy by regime by regime.

Mr. Khan stressed the importance of Parliament and the Constitution in protecting our democracy. He said that we must all work together to strengthen these institutions and to ensure that they continue to function effectively.

We must never take our democracy for granted. We must all work together to protect it and to ensure that it continues to thrive.

#Parliament #Constitution #DemocracyGuarantee #CapacityBuilding #SindhHumanRightsCommission #ParliamentaryExpert #HistoryofConstitution #StrengthenInstitutions #ProtectDemocracy #ThriveTogether
