Sindh Human Rights Commission ~ Government of Sindh
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The SHRC and Sindh Prisons & Correction Service joined forces to deliver a two-day Capacity Building Training Workshop for Sindh Prisons' Constables.

The SHRC and Sindh Prisons & Correction Service joined forces to deliver a two-day Capacity Building Training Workshop for Sindh Prisons' Constables.

The Sindh Human Rights Commission and Sindh Prisons & Correction Service / Official joined forces to deliver a two-day Capacity Building Training Workshop for Sindh Prisons' Constables. This vital training focused on Human Rights Education, recent amendments to Human Rights Laws, and special considerations for Women and Children in prison settings.

Held at the Sindh Prisons Staff Training Institute in Hyderabad, the workshop targeted constables currently serving across Sindh's prisons and correctional facilities.

SHRC Chairperson, Iqbal Ahmed Detho, and Barrister Rida Tahir, SHRC Legal Consultant, led the training equipping participants with a comprehensive understanding of various legal frameworks including:

• Understanding the fundamental principles of Human Rights

• Navigating the intricacies of the Sindh Protection of Human Rights Act 2011 and its recent 2022 Amendment

• Familiarizing with the UN-Minimum Standards on Treatment of Prisoners: Mandela Rules (Adults Prisons), Bangkok Rules (Female Prisons), and Beijing Rules (Juvenile Prisons)

• Exploring Special Laws pertinent to Children & Women, especially those affecting Juveniles & Female Prisoners.

This training will empower prison constables with the knowledge and skills to uphold human rights within our correctional facilities.
