Sindh Human Rights Commission ~ Government of Sindh
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The International Religious Freedom and Interfaith Harmony Summit 2024, hosted by SSDO Pakistan

The International Religious Freedom and Interfaith Harmony Summit 2024, hosted by SSDO Pakistan

The International Religious Freedom and Interfaith Harmony Summit 2024, hosted by SSDO Pakistan and All Neighbors, brought together representatives from various faith and stakeholders under one roof, including Mr. Iqbal Ahmed Detho, Chairperson Sindh Human Rights Commission and Sukhdev Assardas Hemnani Member (SHRC). Their panel discussion delved into practical solutions for fostering peace and interfaith harmony in Pakistan, uniting clergy members, Pandits, Muslims, Sikhs, and Baha'i community scholars in a shared commitment to advancing religious freedom and promoting understanding across diverse beliefs. At the summit, the Sindh Human Rights Commission reaffirmed its dedication to championing human rights and building an inclusive society, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and dialogue for a world of unity and respect.