Sindh Human Rights Commission ~ Government of Sindh
Complaint Form


Chairperson (SHRC) convened a meeting with members of the National Commission on the Rights of the Child (NCRC) in Pakistan.

Chairperson (SHRC) convened a meeting with members of the National Commission on the Rights of the Child (NCRC) in Pakistan.

The convening of a meeting between the Sindh Human Rights Commission led by the Chairperson Iqbal Ahmed Detho and Legal Adviser Barrister Rida Tahir and the National Commission on the Rights of Child - NCRC Pakistan Members Mr. Pirbhu Lal and Ms. Mehak underscores the shared commitment of both institutions to safeguarding child rights and promoting the well-being of children. During the session, SHRC extended Sindh's 'Human Rights Policy', which has a wide and comprehensive section on upholding the rights of the child to NCRC. Further, the institutions engaged in extensive discussions regarding the establishment of a formal referral mechanism aimed at prioritizing the best interests of the child. Additionally, the meeting addressed concerns regarding alleged instances of violence against children in Tharparker, highlighting the imperative for proactive measures to address such issues effectively.
